uniform single from of appearance style زي موحد
gorgeous very beautiful or graceful خلاب ورائع
beaming smiling brightly with pleasure and approval مبتهج
calculate determine the amount or number of something يحسب
transferred moved from one place to another يحول
outfitted something has been provided with special equipment جهز
presence to be present in a place or thing حضور
dwarfed shorted or made to appear smaller by something حضور
obvious very noticeable or easy to see ظاهر
embarrassed feel ashamed and uncomfortable محرج
opponents people who complete against one another often in a contest معارضين
element One essential part of a whole. عنصر
intimidated if person is frightened or nervous because of people or circumstances تخويف
routine is a series of movement or activates that is repeated نمط
identical exactly the same متطابق
competition a contest in which individuals or teams struggle to win منافسة
inflated filled and expanded it with air or another gas منفوخ
scanned looked it closely يدقق
beckoned signaled to someone to join in or to come nearer with a movement of the hand or head يشير
decorated something had things added to it to make it more attractive يزين