English Arabic
by all means  من عيوني 
neither do I ولا انا
been مرت
pep talk تشيجع كلام
ruin يدمر
clebrate تحتفل
bickering مشاجرة
easy to please سهل الارضاء
not deter me لايمنعني
what is it ? ماهو
bring me يجلب لي
who is he ? من هو؟
what are you thinking about ?
who are the rose for ? who are the rose for ?
what's the matter ماهي المسالة ؟
I changed my mind غيرت رأيي
don't argue with me لاتتجادل معي
Don't hesitate لاتتردد
the hospitality الضيافة