Avenue الطريق الرئيسي We will go down this avenue for a few blocks
Adult بالغ - كبير )ليس طفل) The adult I respect the most is my father
Admire معجب ب يعجب
Attractive جداب فاتن
Ancient قديم_ عتيق
amount كمية
area منطقة
based على أساس
based on مرتكز على - مبني على This incredible show was based on a story by a famous writer
cough يكح
cancelled ألغي
Curious فضولي
Character شخصية
Crowd حشد_جمهور The crowd found pleasure in watching a really great game
Disappear يختفي Tina’s picture will disappear when it starts to rain.
decision قرار
Desert يهجر They deserted the building after the terrible fire
Expect يتوقع It is cloudy, so Time expects it to rain.
Explain يشرح - يوضح
explore يكتشف