
In French, describing time involves using a combination of numeric expressions and specific vocabulary related to the clock. You might mention the hour, minute, and sometimes the period of the day. Here's a brief description:

Time in French is typically expressed using a 12-hour clock. To describe the hour, you can use phrases like "Il est" (It is) followed by the number representing the hour. Minutes are mentioned after the hour, using "et" (and) if it's past the hour.

For example:

  • Il est une heure (It is one o'clock).
  • Il est trois heures dix (It is three ten).

To distinguish between morning (matin), afternoon (après-midi), evening (soir), and night (nuit), you can add these terms after stating the time.

For example:

  • Il est neuf heures du matin (It is nine in the morning).
  • Il est sept heures du soir (It is seven in the evening).

Remember that the French often use the 24-hour clock in written form or when precision is crucial.

Published at 2022/01/22