How do you form the plural of nouns in French?

Forming the plural of nouns in French typically involves adding an "-s" or "-x" to the singular form, but there are several rules and exceptions to be aware of:


Adding "-s" to the singular noun:

- For most nouns ending in a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or a silent "h," simply add "-s" to form the plural.

Singular: livre (book) --> Plural: livres (books)

Singular: chien (dog) --> Plural: chiens (dogs)

- For masculine nouns ending in a consonant, add "-s."

Singular: garçon (boy) --> Plural: garçons (boys)


Adding "-x" to the singular noun:

For nouns ending in -au, -eau, -eu, or -ou, add "-x" to form the plural.

Singular: bureau (desk) --> Plural: bureaux (desks)

Singular: jeu (game) --> Plural: jeux (games)


Irregular plural forms:

Some nouns have irregular plural forms that do not follow the typical rules. These irregular plurals must be memorized.

Singular: œil (eye) --> Plural: yeux (eyes)

Singular: animal (animal) --> Plural: animaux (animals)


Nouns ending in -al:

Some nouns ending in -al form their plural by changing -al to -aux.

Singular: journal (newspaper) --> Plural: journaux (newspapers)


Nouns ending in -s, -x, or -z:

Nouns ending in -s, -x, or -z in the singular remain the same in the plural.

Singular: le tennis (tennis) --> Plural: les tennis (tennis)


Invariable nouns:

Some nouns do not change in the plural.

Singular and plural: le week-end (weekend)


Remember that plural forms also affect articles, adjectives, and other modifiers that agree in number and gender with the nouns they accompany.

Published at 2024/01/31