What is the difference between "tu" and "vous" in French?

In French grammar, "tu" and "vous" are both pronouns used to address someone in the second person singular or plural, but they differ in terms of formality and familiarity.

  1. "Tu":

    • Number: Singular

    • Formality: Informal

    • Usage: "Tu" is used when addressing someone with whom you have a close or familiar relationship, such as friends, family members, or children. It is considered less formal and more intimate.

    • Example: "Tu es mon ami." (You are my friend.)

  2. "Vous":

    • Number: Singular or plural

    • Formality: Formal or plural (can be used formally with one person or informally with more than one person)

    • Usage: "Vous" is used in formal situations or when addressing someone with whom you are not familiar, such as strangers, elders, or people in positions of authority. It is also used when addressing more than one person, regardless of familiarity.

    • Example (formal): "Vous êtes monsieur Dupont." (You are Mr. Dupont.)

    • Example (plural or formal): "Vous êtes mes amis." (You are my friends.)

In certain contexts, particularly in professional or business settings, people may use "vous" even when addressing one another in a more familiar context to maintain a level of formality. It's always a good idea to pay attention to social cues and use the appropriate form based on the relationship and context.

Published at 2024/02/03