How are superlative adjectives formed in French?

Superlative adjectives in French grammar are formed in several ways:


Regular Adjectives:

For most regular adjectives, the superlative is formed by adding the definite article "le," "la," or "les" before the comparative form of the adjective.

Example: Grand (big) → Plus grand (bigger) → Le plus grand (the biggest).


Irregular Adjectives:

Some irregular adjectives have specific superlative forms that do not follow regular patterns.

Example: Bon (good) → Meilleur (better) → Le meilleur (the best).



Some superlative adjectives are formed from adverbs using the word "le plus" (the most) followed by the adverb.

Example: Rapidement (quickly) → Le plus rapidement (the most quickly).


Less + Adjective:

Another way to express the superlative in French is by using "le moins" (the least) before the adjective.

Example: Intelligent (intelligent) → Moins intelligent (less intelligent) → Le moins intelligent (the least intelligent).


These are the main ways superlative adjectives are formed in French, but there are exceptions and irregularities as well.

Published at 2024/02/21