What are reflexive pronouns in French and how are they used?

Reflexive pronouns in French are pronouns that reflect the action of the verb back onto the subject, indicating that the subject performs the action on itself.

They are used with reflexive verbs, which express actions that the subject does to itself or for itself. Reflexive pronouns agree in gender and number with the subject.


Here are the reflexive pronouns in French and how they are used:


  • Me (myself) - used with the subject "je" (I).
  • Te (yourself) - used with the subject "tu" (you, singular informal).
  • Se (himself, herself, itself, oneself) - used with the subjects "il," "elle," "on" (he, she, one).



  • Nous (ourselves) - used with the subject "nous" (we).
  • Vous (yourselves) - used with the subject "vous" (you, singular formal or plural).
  • Se (themselves) - used with the subjects "ils," "elles" (they, masculine or feminine).



Reflexive pronouns are placed before the verb in most cases, but they can also be attached to the end of an infinitive or present participle when the reflexive verb is used in compound tenses.


  • Je me lave les mains. (I wash my hands.)
  • Il se brosse les dents. (He brushes his teeth.)
  • Elles se regardent dans le miroir. (They look at themselves in the mirror.)


Reflexive pronouns are essential in expressing actions related to personal care, daily routines, and reciprocal actions in French.

Published at 2024/03/05