Present tens - Second group

Present tens - Second group

We will learn how to conjugate second-group verbs in the present tense after we have already learned how to conjugate first-group verbs in this lesson. In second group verbs, there are no exceptional cases.

Second Group Verbs (Le deuxième groupe):

These are verbs that end in (IR), and when conjugating these verbs in the present tense, we remove (IR) and add the following endings:

I Je is
You, singular informal Tu is
He / She Il / Elle it
We Nous issons
You,singular formal or plural Vous issez
They Ils / Elles issent

Some important second group verbs:

Ralentir To slows down
Franchir To cross
Applaudir To applaud
Grandir To grow
Réunir To gather
Bâtir To build
Finir To finish
Choisir To choose
Réussir To succeed
Réfléchir To think
Obéir To obey
Atterrir To land
Guérir To heals
Punir To punish
Rétablir To establish
Rugir To roar
Jouir To enjoy


Finir - To finish
Je finis  I finish
Tu finis You finish
Il / Elle finit He / She finishes
Nous finissons We finish
Vous finissez You finish
Ils / Elles finissent They finish

Je finis mes devoirs. - I finish my homework. 

In conclusion, we have learned about the present tense, how to structure it, and how to conjugate verbs in the second group. In the next lesson, we will continue with how to conjugate verbs in the present tense for the third group in the next lesson. Feel free to ask any questions or leave comments, I'll happily respond. À bientôt (see you soon)!

Author: Marilyn Al Khawaikhy
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