Present tens - Third group

Present tens - Third group

In this lesson, we will learn how to conjugate third-group verbs in the present tense, after we have already learned how to conjugate first-group verbs here and second-group verbs here. Each group of the third group verbs has different endings.

Third Group Verbs (Le troisième groupe):

These are verbs that end in (ir), (oir), or (re), such as:

Servir To serve
Sentir To feel, smell
Dormir To sleep
Partir To
Sortir To

We will explore how to conjugate them in the present tense.

Firstly: Verbs ending in (ir):

1- These verbs are conjugated with singular pronouns (je - tu - il/elle) by removing the last letters. With plural pronouns (nous – vous – ils), only (ir) is removed, and the following endings are added:

I Je s
You, singular informal Tu s
He / She Il / Elle t
We Nous ont
You, singular formal or plural Vous ez
They Ils / Elles ent


Partir - To leave
Je pars  I leave
Tu pars You leave
Il / Elle part He / She leaves
Nous partons We leave
Vous partez You leave
Ils / Elles partent They leave

I leave at 9 o'clock. Je pars à 9h.

2- There are some verbs in the third group that end in (ir) and take endings from the first group in the present. These verbs are:

Cueillir To pick/choose
Accueillir To welcome
Recouvrir To cover again
Couvrir To cover
Souffrir To suffer
Découvrir To discover
Ouvrir To open
Offrir To offer

They take the following endings:

I Je e
You, singular informal Tu es
He / She Il / Elle e
We Nous ons
You, singular formal or plural Vous ez
They Ils / Elles ent


Ouvrir - To open
Je ouvre  I open
Tu ouvres You open
Il / Elle ouvre He / She opens
Nous ouvrons We open
Vous ouvrez You open
Ils / Elles ouvrent They open

J'ouvre le magasin à 8h. I open the store at 8 AM. 

3- The verb 'mourir,' which means 'to die,' is conjugated by adding the basic endings (s, s, t, ons, ez, ent) but after changing the letter 'O' to 'E' with all pronouns except 'nous' and 'vous'.

Mourir - To die
Je meurs  I open
Tu meurs You open
Il / Elle meurt He / She opens
Nous mourons We open
Vous mourez You open
Ils / Elles meurent They open

4- Verbs ending in 'enir' are conjugated by removing 'enir' and adding the following endings:

I Je iens
You, singular informal Tu iens
He / She Il / Elle ient
We Nous enons
You, singular formal or plural Vous enez
They Ils / Elles iennent

From these verbs: 

Obtenir To get
Souvenir To remember
Prévenir To notify
Revenir To come back
Tenir To hold
Convenir To suit/agree
Devenir To become
Venir To come


Venir - To come
Je viens I come
Tu viens You come
Il / Elle vient He / She comes
Nous venons We come
Vous venez You come
Ils / Elles viennent They come

Which country are you from? Tu viens de quel pays?

Secondly: verbs that end with (re):

1- Verbs ending in (dre) drop (re) and add the following endings:

I Je e
You, singular informal Tu s
He / She Il / Elle ----
We Nous ons
You, singular formal or plural Vous ez
They Ils / Elles ent

And from these verbs:

Descendre To go down
Répondre To answer
Attendre To wait
Entendre To hear
Coudre To sew
Perdre To lose
Vendre To sell
Défendre To defend

Répondre - To answer
Je réponds I answer
Tu réponds You answer
Il / Elle répond He / She answers
Nous répondons We answer
Vous répondez You answer
Ils / Elles répondent They answer

Note: The above rule applies to all verbs ending in "dre" except for the following verbs: "prendre" (to take), "apprendre" (to learn), "comprendre" (to understand). These verbs are conjugated by removing the last two letters "re" with singular pronouns (je, tu, il/elle) and by removing "dre" with plural pronouns (nous, vous, ils/elles). In the case of plural pronouns, you double the "n" and add the following endings:

I Je e
You, singular informal Tu s
He / She Il / Elle ----
We Nous ons
You, singular formal or plural Vous ez
They Ils / Elles nent


Prendre - To take
Je prends I take
Tu prends You take
Il / Elle prend He / She takes
Nous prenons We take
Vous prenez You take
Ils / Elles prennent They take


Je prends le petit déjeuner. I have breakfast" or "I eat breakfast

2- Verbs ending in "aindre," "eindre," "oindre," and "soudre" like:

Craindre  To fear
Peindre To paint
Joindre To join
Résoudre To resolve

They take the following endings, taking into account the differences in the conjugation of the verb stems

I Je e
You, singular informal Tu s
He / She Il / Elle t
We Nous ons
You, singular formal or plural Vous ez
They Ils / Elles nent


Joindre - To join
Je joins I join
Tu joins You join
Il / Elle joint He / She joins
Nous joignons We join
Vous joignez You join
Ils / Elles joignent They join


Résoudre - To resolve
Je résous I resolve
Tu résous You resolve
Il / Elle résout He / She resolves
Nous résolvons We resolve
Vous résolvez You resolve
Ils / Elles résolvent They resolve


3- The verb 'vaincre' (to conquer, to overcome) has a special conjugation, and it is conjugated as follows:

Vaincre - To win
Je vaincs I  win
Tu vaincs You  win
Il / Elle vainct He / She  wins
Nous vainquons We win
Vous vainquez You  win
Ils / Elles vainquent They win

Elle vainc le concourse. She wins the competition

4- The verb "aller" is a special verb in French and is categorized as belonging to the third group of verbs. It is irregular in its conjugation. Here's the conjugation for "aller" in the present tense:

Aller - To go
Je vais I  go
Tu vas You  go
Il / Elle va He / She  goes
Nous allons We go
Vous allez You  go
Ils / Elles vont They go

Je vais au Canada en été . I'm going to Canada in the summer.

Thirdly, verbs ending in "oir" are all irregular verbs with no specific rule, and they must be memorized as they are.

View in the library
English French Je Tu Il - Elle Nous Vous Ils - Elles
To have Avoir Ai As A Avons Avez Ont
To receive Recevoir Reçois Reçois Reçoit Recevons Recevez Reçoivent
To be able to / can Pouvoir Peux Peux Peut Pouvons Pouvez Peuvent
To want Vouloir Veux Veux Veut Voulons Voulez Veulent
To have to / must Devoir Dois Dois Doit Devons Devez Doivent
To know Savoir Sais Sais Sait Savons Savez Savent
To see Voir Vois Vois Voit Voyons Voyez Voient

Thus, we have completed the lesson on the present tense and learned how to conjugate verbs based on their groups.

If you have any questions or inquiries, feel free to write them in the comments, and I will be happy to respond.

Author: Marilyn Al Khawaikhy
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